Tuesday, June 24, 2008


new project in the bay area. absolutely worth checking out.

from their website:

Monday, June 9, 2008

discourse on courses


“I learned to set the table before I could ride a bike. I learned that the knife blade should always point toward the plate, that the napkin should be folded so as to open in one shake, and dessert would follow each meal. I ate hamburgers in the summer; strawberries in June; deviled eggs around Easter with hot crossed buns; and in December, indulged on morsels reserved for ushering in the Holidays. Growing up with a “fellowship hour” meant eating out of duty, a styrofoam cup between you and uncomfortable silence. It seems we eat for a variety of reasons including acceptance. Food has been the timekeeper and the taskmaster; its role in life has preserved and dictated a certain socialness. I am drawn towards the roll of hostess and repelled by its serving nature. If there is a twelve-step program to shake sacrifice through service I should probably be in it.”

–– N. Schmidt Dotzauer

Jell-O molds, meatloaf, and twice-baked potatoes are a few of the basic potluck food groups that adorn Natalie Schmidt Dotzauer’s wallpaper installation this month at Punch.

PUNCH Gallery
May Hours: Noon-5 pm, Fri-Sun, or by appointment: art@punchgallery.org
PUNCH, 119 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104
www.punchgallery.org, (206) 621-1945